
Want to Build Confidence, Here's How.

The best way to build confidence is to act like you already have it. I know that sounds counter-intuitive but you're going to have to trust me on this one.

You probably think that confidence is a step by step thing, and maybe you should go out and buy some new clothes, or shoes or something like that. Not even close. It's kinda like building happiness, the less things you need to be confident, the easier it will be for you to be confident. It's called self confidence because not only is it confidence in your own abilities but also because it has to be confidence in yourself. You can't base it own other things.

The first thing you need to do is believe that you going to do well. If you don't believe it no one else will. Wake up in the morning and tell yourself in the mirror that you're going to do well and that you're going to succeed. Don't tell other people yet, just tell yourself, remind yourself throughout the day.

It's all about how you act, act confident and you'll become confident. A few weeks back I was listening to a friend as he poured his heart to me, and he said to me "Bloom, I wish I had your confidence, you're the most confident person I know." I had a quiet chuckle and told him what I'm telling you. It's all in how you act.

I've never thought of myself as the most confident person I know, but a few people have told me that they wish they had more confidence. I tell them all, they can have as much as they want, it's free.

When you're trying to act more confident try to not say no to things, Say "I'll try", "If you can explain it, I think I can do it.", stuff like that. When you're meeting other people you want to pretend like you already know them. It sounds weird, but if you imagine that you know someone when you meet them for the first time, it's actually easier to talk to them.

Do all this and you'll have the confidence you've been pretending to have in no time. Your own mindset is everything for this. If you think you're someone whose not worth talking to then you've already lost before you even started. Believe in your own self worth and it will show up.

This has been Bloom and that's my time.

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