
Good Things Take Time. But They're Worth It.

We live in a instant society and we expect everything when we ask for it, right when we ask for it. This is great for us. Unfortunately it also has its drawbacks, we get so many things at the snap of our fingers we expect everything at the snap of our fingers. Some things just don't work like that. Personal development takes time.

 It takes lots of time. But here's the great thing every second you put into is time you're putting into making yourself better and more successful.

Don't worry if you don't see instantaneous results the very first day you set a goal, these things take time. Anything worthwhile takes time. If you want to improve your self confidence, lose weight, learn a new skill, expect it to take time. Expect it to take lots of time. In fact with self confidence and new skills they can take years. But it's always worth it.

When you're slugging along and it looks bleak remind yourself that your getting better and celebrate the small successes along the way. The one thing I've found through my own personal journey is that when you're going forward it's like walking through a dark labyrinth, and you're just feeling along as you go, but when you look back, you see the torches lit and you can trace your development.

Sometimes, something happens and it bums me out, I feel like I just hit a major snag in my plans, but once I'm further on and I look back, I can see that without that snag I never would have been where I am..

For the longest time I had a post-it on my mirror, it said, "Everything will be alright in the end, if it's not alright, it's not the end." Sometimes that was enough to keep me going, and boy am I glad it did.

This has been Bloom and that's my time.

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